The Run Digital

Events Ticket

Events Ticket handles the registration and verification part of your attendees, allowing you to focus on other important areas of your event.

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We made Event’s Ticket after getting an inquiry for a private program from Viqarunnisa School & College (VNSC), one of Bangladesh’s top schools that has around 25,000+ active students.

The Event’s Ticket platform allows event organizers to register and verify participants, distribute tickets, and verify on the day of the event through a built-in QR Scanner.

Our Web App helped the HSC 2022 batch of VNSC to bulk import their offline registrations, detect fraud, and distribute and verify 850 attendees on the day of the event.

Event’s Ticket saved them countless hours of manual work and, most importantly, 3 hours for verification on the day of the event.

As the attendees brought digital tickets along with them, only two of the volunteers used Event’s Ticket’s built-in QR Scanner to scan and verify 850 attendees' tickets in less than 40 minutes. Saving them hours to focus more on the program than manual verification.

Want to try Event’s Ticket for any of your events? Reach out to us for a quote. We'll release it as a SaaS soon!

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